US Federal Government to require MSIE for copyright preregistration

Joel Jaeggli joelja at
Fri Aug 5 10:27:16 UTC 2005

On Fri, 5 Aug 2005, Rui Miguel Seabra wrote:


> But the problem is much more serious in the political/sociological point
> of view:
> The fact that the US Federal Government is considering to force the
> usage of software from a company it convicted of monopoly abuse should
> be utterly unacceptable for USA citizens...
> The fact that the US Federal Government is considering to force the
> usage of proprietary software (since it removes rights from its
> citizens) should be utterly unacceptable for USA citizens...

heck, going to war under false pretext ought to be unacceptable as well 
but here we are.

Bunging up your web app is probably just incompetence rather than malice 
which I find somewhat easier to stomache (despite having never screwed up 
anything like that myself... ;) )...

> Rui

Joel Jaeggli  	       Unix Consulting 	       joelja at
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