Choosing YUM Repositories

"國產 Wei-Yee Chan (Made in Chinar)" survivor at
Sat Aug 6 05:08:10 UTC 2005

Some repositories include packages that others don't.  It's not wise to
mix repositories indiscriminately as packages can clash with one
another, thereby causing conflicts.  I'm using Fedora extras with Livna
and and dries, with no problems.  But then, it really depends on what
packages U have installed on your system.

Ping-Wu Zhang wrote:

>I have heard that it is not a good idea to mix YUM repositories
>belonging to different "camps".  Apparently, there are two camps which
>should not be commingled:
>1.  The default Fedora extra + Livna
>2.  Everyone else (including dag, Freshrpms, etc.)
>Can someone tell me why you choose one camp over another?  I
>understand this question may turn into a flame bait.  But b/c this is
>a very important issue, I apologize for advance.  & I believe most of
>us are mature enough to make own decisions.  Thanks.

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