LaTeX: a gray column with kile

Berna Massingill bmassing at
Mon Aug 15 15:38:09 UTC 2005

On Wed, Aug 10, 2005 at 02:09:10AM +0200, Liloulinx wrote:

>>  HI,
>>  I'm kile's user. I want to get array with gray column. So I have used 
>>  the package 'colortbl'. The problem is I can not get a gray column. They 
>>  are black with my text source befor it. Do you know where is the problem?
>>  I have done a copy/past to an existing exampl in the web. This example is:
>>  \usepackage{colortbl}
>>  ...
>>  \begin{tabular}{|>{\columncolor[blue]{.8}}l|>{\color{white}\columncolor[gray]{.2}}r|}
>>    \hline
>>    UN & DEUX \\
>>    TROIS & QUATRE \\
>>    \hline
>>  \end{tabular}

Hm.  That line "..." might be significant.  I tried turning your example
into something that could be compiled with latex, thus:

   UN & DEUX \\

but when I run that through latex, I get the error message:

  ! LaTeX Error: Undefined color model `blue'.

Maybe it's different if you're using kile?

Anyway, if your problem is with latex and its packages (i.e., not
specific to kile), you might also try asking in the Usenet newsgroup
comp.text.tex; I've had good results there, when I could provide a
short self-contained example of the problem.  Hope this helps a bit.

-- blm

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