theoretical question - can root's username be changed?

Scot L. Harris webid at
Fri Dec 2 19:32:38 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-12-02 at 14:17, Mike McCarty wrote:
> Tim wrote:
> > On Fri, 2005-12-02 at 12:44 +0800, John Summerfied wrote:
> > 
> >>A really big flaw in Unix design is the fact one user has the inherent
> >>ability to do everything, the fact that the Unix security model is
> >>built round this.
> > 
> > 
> > A counterpoint to that, in the Windows world, is that you can have too
> > many people able to do things that they shouldn't.  They might think
> > they need to do something special, they might want to do it, they might
> > think they know what they're doing, but they're often wrong.
> The objection is not that there are not enough users who can
> do things, but that there is one super duper user who can
> do EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING. There is no finesse. Either
> all or none. It might be useful to have someone who can
> administer passwords, but not rm /etc/passwd, for example.
> There is not enough resolution.

You can configure sudoers to limit a user to specific commands that they
can run as root when needed without allowing that user to do everything
root can.  

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