clearing yum cache ?

Christofer C. Bell christofer.c.bell at
Tue Dec 6 16:33:56 UTC 2005

On 12/6/05, Mike McGrath <mmcgrath at> wrote:
> >
> >       hi all.
> >       hi can i clear yum cache ?
> >       is an easy way or a command like that ?
> yum clean all

I'd recommend using 'yum clean packages' instead.  If you choose to do
a 'clean all' then the header files describing what's available at
your configured repositories will need to be downloaded again (and
will be automatically the next time you invoke the 'yum' command).

Basically, you need to ask what your intent is.  Do you simply want to
save disk space?  Then you want a 'yum clean packages'.  Do you want
to completely clean out all of yum's state information, in effect
"starting fresh" again?  Then you want 'yum clean all'.

>From yum(8):

       The following are the ways which you can invoke yum in clean mode.

       yum clean packages
              Eliminate any cached packages from the system.  Note that  pack-
              ages are not automatically deleted after they are downloaded.

       yum clean headers
              Eliminate  all  of  the  files  which  yum uses to determine the
              remote availability of packages. Using this  option  will  force
              yum to download all the headers the next time it is run.

       yum clean all
              Runs yum clean packages and yum clean headers as above.


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