Suse works, Fedora doesn't! [Was: ASUS motherboard]

François Patte francois.patte at
Sat Dec 10 17:40:13 UTC 2005

David Niemi a écrit :
> Try some of the other boot options when you see the prompt, like:
> linux nofb
> If you search around on the list archives and also on the forum that I
> linked to you will probably find some more useful options or solutions.

I try to find a solution. But I tried to install Suse and this worked....

I don't like too much Suse and prefer Fedora, why it is not working? 
something must be wrong somewhere, but I cannot figure out what is wrong.

Is there some BIOS configuration that Fedora doesn't like, I don't know 
too much about this. Any suggestions?

François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Université René Descartes

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