Getting a text file rid of all superfluous blank lines

Paul Smith phhs80 at
Sat Dec 3 17:54:09 UTC 2005

On 12/2/05, Mike McCarty <mike.mccarty at> wrote:
> I sent you the source. Extract it to a file named noblank.c
> I suspect you have already done that.
> Ok, now build the program...
> $ gcc -o noblank noblank.c
> After this runs (takes no more than 10 seconds), you will
> have a program named "noblank" in the current directory.
> Either move it to a place in your path, or use ./noblank
> to run it. The usage is:
> $ noblank < input_file > output_file

I kindly thank you, Mike, for your program. I have tried that, but when I run

$./noblank file1.txt file2.txt

the program does not terminate, as if waiting for something.


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