(fedora) Vrml viewer.

Jacob =Jouk Jansen joukj at hrem.nano.tudelft.nl
Wed Dec 7 08:04:43 UTC 2005

Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT <mfatihakbulut at gmail.com> wrote on 6-DEC-2005 21:03:43.43

>i need vrml viewer for mozilla.
>but google gave not much thing to me when searching for FC1 :p
>do u know any source code or rpm package of any vrml viewer  for FC1 ?
>help needed.

The only source code vrml-viewer that comes to my mind is vrweb
( ftp://ftp.iicm.edu/pub/VRweb/UNIX/ )
No Idea if you can use it as plugin for Mozilla.


Bush : All votes are equal but some votes are more equal than others.


  Jouk Jansen
  joukj at hrem.nano.tudelft.nl

  Technische Universiteit Delft        tttttttttt  uu     uu  ddddddd
  Kavli Institute of Nanoscience       tttttttttt  uu     uu  dd    dd
  Nationaal centrum voor HREM              tt      uu     uu  dd     dd
  Lorentzweg 1                             tt      uu     uu  dd     dd
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