[Fedora] RE: Odd vsftp issue

Ashley M. Kirchner ashley at pcraft.com
Sun Dec 11 18:20:10 UTC 2005

Jeroen van Meeuwen wrote:

>You're navigating outside your chroot, to a soft symlinked directory, am I
>You could mount the directory in some way. I've seen configurations which
>use SMB, NFS and loopbacks.
>Kind regards,
>Jeroen van Meeuwen
    Ja, I figured that out afterwards.

    Decided to do a bind mount and everything works now.

    Hartelijk bedankt.

R | I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere.
  Ashley M. Kirchner <mailto:ashley at pcraft.com>   .   303.442.6410 x130
  IT Director / SysAdmin / WebSmith             .     800.441.3873 x130
  Photo Craft Laboratories, Inc.            .     3550 Arapahoe Ave. #6
  http://www.pcraft.com ..... .  .    .       Boulder, CO 80303, U.S.A.

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