SPLIT a file based on String

Nat Gross nat101l at gmail.com
Sun Dec 25 23:08:36 UTC 2005

On 12/25/05, Richard England <rengland at europa.com> wrote:
> Nat Gross wrote:
> >Hi;
> >I need something like SPLIT, but instead of splitting based on bytes
> >or lines, I want it to start a new file every time it encounters a
> >"CREATE TABLE" string.
> >I am a newbie with command line tools.
> >
> >Thank you all;
> >-nat
> >
> >
> >
>  csplit -k -f section testfile  '/CREATE TABLE/' {*}
> This should help.   -f section   makes the split data show up in files
> called  'section01', 'section02', etc. -k keeps it from deleting output
> files created if an error occurs.  'testfile' is the input file,
> '/CREATE TABLE/' is the regular expression used to match and {*}  uses
> the previous reg. exp.  as many times as necessary.
Thank you much! Not only for the solution, but the  explanation! I
wish all answers were so concise and to the point.

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