Solution Coming Re: Fedora Community: Under threat?

Joel Jaeggli joelja at
Sun Feb 6 18:46:39 UTC 2005

On Sun, 6 Feb 2005, Gain Paolo Mureddu wrote:

> I still don't get why are Web forums so dreaded, but that's just me... I 
> haven't seen a *single* reason why not to make it so...

It's a control issue... When you have a few thousand messages a day to 
parse you're before off doing it in the client of your on choosing, with 
your own filtering and your onw tools that with a web-interface which not 
matter how rich and well intentioned is just another bulliten-board 
interface. In my case the combo of procmail - spamassassin - duplicate 
filtering- pgp envelope - pine. allows me to keep track of and partcipate 
in a heck of a lot more mailing lists than just this one. it isn't even 
the highest volume one if you can believe that. if it were a web forum I'd 
probably dredge it with google but I certainly wouldn't keep up with it.


> Unless, of course you 
> still want to recieve 500+ e-mail messages if you are away of your computer 
> for a day or two and could not cancel mail delivery temporarily (if you don't 
> get the digest, of course). To each their own, I just don't get why people 
> don't like the web forums idea... Maybe a private NTTP server would be more 
> suitable for this, where Red Hat could even set the caducity of messages. You 
> still need a helper application to read the messages like Evolution, 
> Thunderbird or whatever, and still avoid having *your* inbox flooded.

Joel Jaeggli  	       Unix Consulting 	       joelja at 
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