Solution Coming Re: Fedora Community: Under threat?

Gain Paolo Mureddu gmureddu at
Sun Feb 6 20:15:32 UTC 2005

Matthew Miller wrote:

>On Sun, Feb 06, 2005 at 12:32:44PM -0600, Gain Paolo Mureddu wrote:
>>I still don't get why are Web forums so dreaded, but that's just me... I 
>>haven't seen a *single* reason why not to make it so... Unless, of 
>They tend to have very poor interfaces, with no threading, and no good way
>of keeping track of what posts you've read and which you haven't. Most
>basically present a "spreadsheet" of posts.
>>I just don't get why people don't like the web forums idea... Maybe a 
>>private NTTP server would be more suitable for this, where Red Hat could 
>>even set the caducity of messages. You still need a helper application 
>>to read the messages like Evolution, Thunderbird or whatever, and still 
>>avoid having *your* inbox flooded.
>With any half-decent mail client/environment, the fedora lists don't need to
>go to your inbox.
>But I think the *best* solution is an NNTP backend with an available web
>front end, because I recognize that many people don't know any better. *big
Don't get me wrong I see this list with Thunderbird set to re-direct all 
fedora* mail to a Fedora directory under my local folders directory, but 
I'm also an avid web-forums reader of variuos communities, and have 
never had any trouble with say V-Bulletin (yeah, I know their fame) 
message boards, even on some servers with as high traffic as our list 
here. I guess it's up to the site admins to set a good set of options 
for archiving and a good search tool (with an *SQL backend most 
probably) to make it easy for the users to find what they're looking 
for. In any case, since I use both interfaces to many communities I 
periodically check, I'm comfortable with any of that... Still I think 
that the NNTP server with both a web-PHP and usual client interface is 
the best bet and would provide the best control for Red Hat to 
administer too.

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