cant install from dvd

James Wilkinson james at
Tue Feb 8 17:59:08 UTC 2005

Aleksandar Milivojevic wrote:
> Than the problem is with your BIOS (basically, this means you will not 
> be able to boot anything from your DVD), and solution is dependent on 
> the type of BIOS you have in your PC.
> Some things to try.  Note that these are only hints, every BIOS is 
> different.  Your BIOS might support some of this features/tricks, or it 
> might not support any of them.  In later case, the only way to go would 
> be to rewire your PC (swap CD/RW drive and DVD/RW drive, or temporarely 
> remove CD/RW drive).  Well, there's one more trick in this case that 
> should work, at the very end of this email.

Yes, as you say, every BIOS is different. Many of them have another
trick you didn't mention.

Some BIOSes will automatically detect all ATAPI devices, either on boot
or when you leave the configuration utility. But with others one can
find the CD-R/W in the BIOS configuration, and set the drive to "None".

The BIOS then won't pick it up as a boot option. (To the best of my
knowledge, *every* OS, certainly including Linux, will then detect it
when the OS probes the drives...)

Hope this helps,


James Wilkinson       | It would save me a lot of time if you just gave up
Exeter    Devon    UK | and went mad now.
E-mail address: james |  | 

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