NTP problem - Clock too fast for NTP to keep up?

Peter Kiem zordah at zordah.net
Thu Feb 10 04:18:09 UTC 2005

>>I've got a FC3 machine where the system clock ADVANCES at a rapid rate 
>>which screws up the services I have running.
> your bios/hardwareclock runs normal time on your FC3 machine ???

Well here is the rub.  The FC3 is actually a virtual server inside 
VMware GSX 3.1 running on a RHEL ES server.  I tried to get help using 
VMware in the subject but noone seems to want to tackle THAT problem :(

I've tried to resolve this with VMware but in the end they couldn't help 
me as Fedora is not yet a supported OS.

The host server is rock solid steady in it's time from it's hardware 
clock and using NTP with the same source I am trying to get the virtual 
servers to update from.

A windows virtual server has no problems inside VMware, just the Fedora 
Core 2 and 3 servers :(

I was hoping there was a way I could cajole NTP to work better despite 
what is causing the virtual server clock to run too fast.

Peter Kiem

Zordah IT - IT Consultancy and Internet Services
Ph: (0414) 724-766   Fax: (07) 3344-5827
Web: www.zordah.net  Email: zordah at zordah.net

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