NTP problem - Clock too fast for NTP to keep up?

Peter Kiem zordah at zordah.net
Fri Feb 11 02:48:28 UTC 2005

> Peter, if this is inside a VMWare virtual machine someone mentioned
> there is a formal way to set it up to use the base machine's time.
> Run ntp on the host OS and let VMWare use the host system's clock.
> Otherwise you are going to live with a system VERY screwed up for
> time.

Yes the host OS is completely stable in time (0.06 seconds per hour 
adjustment) but the virtual machines are all over the place.

I've spent many long hours with VMware support trying to get the time 
synchronisation working but for some reason Fedora won't do it.  I have 
options like these turned on but to no avail

tools.syncTime = "TRUE"
time.synchronize.continue = "TRUE"
time.synchronize.restore = "TRUE"
time.synchronize.resume.disk = "TRUE"
time.synchronize.shrink = "TRUE"

Unfortunately Fedora is not a supported guest OS for VMware GSX so their 
final recommendation was to use a different OS :(

ntpdate every 2 minutes keeps it in check but I was hoping the full 
blown ntp daemon would be able to make the fine tuning necessary to 
smooth it out.  Doesn't appear so :(

Peter Kiem

Zordah IT - IT Consultancy and Internet Services
Ph: (0414) 724-766   Fax: (07) 3344-5827
Web: www.zordah.net  Email: zordah at zordah.net

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