Bill Gradwohl bill at ycc.com
Wed Feb 16 14:14:34 UTC 2005

Jeff Vian wrote:

>Are you using FC3.?

>On mine (as my regular user) it creates the device, the mount point, and
>automounts it so I can browse using nautilus in gnome.
>It does not put an entry is fstab.
>I can manually unmount it, or remount it at will.  However, using the
>desktop menu to unmount it also removes the mount point, so I have to
>either manually recreate the mount point or use an existing mount point
>after unmounting via the menu. 
For the time being I'm running without X support. I couldn't figure out 
if some X/Gnome components were involved in this so I just cut them out. 
I want somethig that will work via init 3, as I have to script mounting 
and unmounting the device. Once I have that working, I need to tell 
X/Gnome to keep its hands off that particular device.

For now, all I want is to figure out how to get the /dev/sdd1 entry 
created. Its in the morase of udev haldaemon somewhere.

Bill Gradwohl
bill at ycc.com
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