Probleme with kernel version

Paul Howarth paul at
Wed Feb 23 10:27:22 UTC 2005

BZ Benny wrote:
> I have to build an aplication to be running on a board
> with a 2.6.8 kernel version.(this application will be
> build as a module of the kernel)

Is it possible for your PC to run with the exact same 2.6.8 kernel as 
the target board? Why does it have to be 2.6.8?

> Before,I have to build it under My PC and to test it.
> The problem is that my PC run with 2.6.10 FC3  kernel
> version.
> Is it really forbidden, or not possible?

You can run whatever kernels you want. Nobody can forbid it, but your 
hardware may not like some kernels.

> I tried to search at
> for 2.6.8 FC3 kernel but I didn"t find it, did it exist?

Try here for one:


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