New Browsers for Old

Craig White craigwhite at
Thu Feb 24 16:19:48 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-02-24 at 16:51 +0100, Duncan Lithgow wrote:

> I'm not meaning to be rude but I'm getting a bit annoyed that so many 
> people ask questions when they don't seem to have done any research 
> themselves. I find that insulting that people think the rest of us on 
> the list have nothing better to do than tell people how to search using 
> google. I've only been on the list for a month or two - but I always do 
> extensive research before I bother the list - am I one of the few who 
> do this?
I am quite sure you are not the only one.

There are advantages to doing research first...your questions are more
specific and can be answered more specifically. People that don't
understand the problem they are having and haven't made an effort to
understand it can only describe the problem in a general way and the
answers that come back tend to be from the less skilled 'ops' who may
get them chasing their tail.

As a rule, if it's obvious to me that person isn't doing any homework, I
point them to the locations and methods to get their homework done
rather than just supplying an answer.

For example, there are at least 1000 pages (dead tree form) of top
quality documentation at site and people ask basic questions
of initial setup of samba. Volunteers respond to questions and it takes
1 - 3 days just to get a windows computer connected to a samba computer.
Seems to be a case where the homework would save everybody time and
trouble - I point them to the docs. Much more significant than answering
the question.


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