Sendmail permission problems

M.Clasen m.clasen at
Fri Feb 4 16:18:26 UTC 2005

Hi community,

while sending a mail from a testmailscript, i got the error:

Warning: mail(): Permission denied: unable to execute shell to run mail
delivery binary '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i'
in /home/rawfox/public_html/test/testmail.php on line 13

the testmailscript is this:

$headers 	= "From: rawfox at";
$empfaenger    = "rawfox at";
$betreff	= "Testmail from testmail.php";
$eintrag	= "Testmail Eintrag von testmail.php";

echo "Empfaenger: $empfaenger <br>
  	Betreff: $betreff <br>
	Eintrag: $eintrag <br>
	Headers: $headers <br><br>
mail($empfaenger, $betreff, $eintrag, $headers);
echo "E-Mail an ".$empfaenger." wurde versendet <br>";


line 13 shows the mail() command, what cannot be executed.

sendmail is not really my best friend, so i like to ask here first, what
i have to do, to fix this.

the sendmail permissions ls /usr/sbin/sendmail* are:

lrwxrwxrwx  1 root smmsp     21 18. Jan	:23 /usr/sbin/sendmail -
> /etc/alternatives/mta
-rwxr-sr-x  1 root root  738752 28. Okt
2003  /usr/sbin/sendmail.sendmail

The Server is a FC1 at 100MBit synchron/static and sendmail executions
at a bashprompt are fine, sends mail from shell :)
The Kernel is the FC1 supportet, updatet all.

Maybe its an error by myself, while trying to solve
The errormessage comes, as i used the latest Fedora1 Kernel instead of a
self build. the error stays as before

i hope to find help here and greet ya from a cold germany :)


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