fedora 3 latest ISO images

Jim Cornette fc-cornette at insight.rr.com
Tue Feb 8 01:45:26 UTC 2005

Matthew Miller wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 07, 2005 at 05:36:46PM -0500, Jim Cornette wrote:
>>installed from rawhide. With rawhide, you need to get the boot.iso on 
>>the same day that you want to perform the upgrade/install. I believe 
>>this is highly related to anaconda and the installer image that is used.
> It's simply because there's two parts to anaconda, the first boot stage and
> then the main second stage. These have a serial number which has to match.
> RH just bumps the number every time the install image gets rebuilt; if
> you're doing it yourself, you can actually do it manually and only increment
> the number when you know there's some incompatibility.
> Not that you probably care about this. :)

Thanks for the info. I knew that there was a second stage being loaded 
after the http or ftp mirror was contacted successfully. I wasn't clear 
as to why the boot.iso had to be downloaded for the day the 
installation/upgrade was to be performed.

I successfully installed rawhide using either the first install disk for 
  the previous release or the rescue disc.  I haven't tried to install 
rawhide with this method recently though.
After I changed over to using the bot.iso, I went through a few CDR's 
before I wised up a bit and changed to using a CD-RW. Why it needed to 
be different every day was a mystery.

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		-- Franklin K. Dane

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