X-IMail-SPAM-Connection Mailman

Amy Stinson tzaia at stinsonfamily.com
Sat Feb 19 23:55:26 UTC 2005


I am very new to linux and fedora (like this week).  12 years experience with windows in 
a multiserver environment.  I run IIS, apache2, mysql, perl, php and Listserv.  I thought 
I'd give linux and mailman a try as Listserv does not lend itself well to integration with 
any CMS (I use an IFRAME) and doesn't play nice with any mailserver other than 

I've gotten fedora up and running along with a webserver and mail.  My plan is to 
integrate typo3 with mailman, but that's where the confusion starts.  The fedora 
installation of mailman isn't anything like how the mailman manual does it, so I have no 
clue about the file structure.  I believe all I need to do is to set up a site wide list, but no 
idea where to put it or how it should look.

Should I just remove the package and reinstall mailman or is there some hidden 
documentation on how to make it all work within the fedora package?

Thank you,


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