100% Linux - Is it possible?

Anthony E. Greene tony at greene-family.org
Mon Feb 28 13:37:09 UTC 2005

On 26-Feb-2005/00:55 +0100, Giulio Sorrentino <numerone.fedora at wooow.it> wrote:
>Anthony E. Greene wrote:
>>When I needd to send a DOC, I simply made a copy of my HTML and renamed it
>>to DOC. MS-Word opens it silently.
>Never change estension of a file.
>This happened only because word can manage html...

I depended on that "feature".

Anthony E. Greene <mailto:Anthony%20E.%20Greene%20%3Ctony at greene-family.org%3E>
AOL/Yahoo Messenger: TonyG05    HomePage: <http://www.greene-family.org/tony/>
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