blank screen after 5 minutes

James Mckenzie jjmckenzie51 at
Tue Jan 4 22:26:33 UTC 2005

Marcel Janssen said about blank screen after 5 minutes:

>I've had the above since upgrading to FC3 and must get rid of this behaviour. 
>I'm sure it must have been explicitly set somewhere as I checked basically 
>all other possible things that could cause this (power saving, screen savers, 

I had the same problem last night.  I found that FC3 was picking up the battery power defaults for my laptop and forcing the screen blank after about two minutes (which is not good when you are trying to read/digest mail.)  My solution was to reset my battery power settings and that corrected the problem.  May I suggest checking your BIOS screen blanking settings for both full and battery power (I'm assuming you are using a laptop, if not just check the BIOS screen settings.)

It is possible that this is an undesired feature of FC3 and could be coming from the X windows system (xorg).  If it is, then the both of us need to report it through Bugzilla.

James McKenzie
A Proud User of Linux!

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