
Robert robert at accesscomm.ca
Sat Jan 8 01:51:53 UTC 2005

Scot L. Harris wrote:

>On Fri, 2005-01-07 at 20:02, Robert wrote:
>>I recently installed Fedora core 3 and I'm having a problem with 
>>nsswitch.conf, it doesn't support wins on the hosts: line.  Is there any 
>>way to get it?
>wins is something that is really specific to Microsoft type systems. 
>For linux or unix type systems you use DNS, host files, NIS+ to do name
>to IP address translations.  
>While you can configure samba on linux to provide wins support for other
>systems as far as I know it will not use wins to resolve gethostbyname
>What are you trying to accomplish?  Maybe there is another solution.
I want to have my system automatically resolve netbios names without 
running a wins server.  Samba is working fine except for this problem.  
A couple of solutions are to manually edit the lmhosts file or to hack 
up a cron script that runs nbtscan and puts the results in lmhosts 
(yuck).  Suse seems to handles windows networking without problems with 
the default install.  Why can't Fedora?

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