Root partition size and configuration

Kevin Fries kevin at
Wed Jan 12 05:04:03 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1

Alberto M R Davila wrote:

| Hi,
| I use FC1 and initially setup my / partition with 5.5GB, then just
| realized it is a bit small for a server configuration (I already
| have /usr/local = 20GB, /boot = 100MB and /home = 5GB) ... I did
| not know mysql will put the databases under /var and that /usr/lib
| would be big as well... so my problem now is how to expand the size
| of "/" without re-install ?
| Also, would it be better to try to move (or redirect with a
| symlink) /var and/or /usr/lib ? Finally, I installed the mysql RPM
| distributed with the distribution so, is there a way to tell it to
| use /usr/local to store databases ?

The only mounts that I insist are on separate partitions are /home and

/home this is the one everyone gets right because that is where user
files are stored.

/var is where syslog logs an other odds and ends (as you have found
with MySQL).

/boot is also a good choice in my opinion so that upgrades and
reinstalls can reformat the root partition insuring that old software
does not remain behind.

However, /usr/local is controlled by root admins anyway.  I would look
to move as much of that directory back onto your root, and move /var
into a separate partition to insure that rouge database updates or
logs do not crowd your operating system.

That is what I would do.  You can use that advice for what it is
worth, and remember that you should be able to get every sent you paid
for out of it. :-)

Kevin Fries
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