Iptables and firestarter

Alexander Dalloz ad+lists at uni-x.org
Wed Jan 12 14:49:34 UTC 2005

Am Mi, den 12.01.2005 schrieb Jeroen Lankheet um 13:08:

> In my FC1 system I used firestarter to manage my firewall. I always thought
> it was a front-end for iptables. Now in FC3 the new firestarter service runs
> as a stand alone service. So I don't need iptables anymore, do I?

> Jeroen.

Probably you mean the iptables service and and the iptables binary and
libraries nor the iptables part in the kernel.

If firestarter runs as it's own services and has it's own rules file,
then the firestarter and the iptables services would even conflict;
means one would override the settings of the other, depending on start
order of both services. It makes sense then to

chkconfig iptables off

Firestarter is though a frontend for the iptables tool which modifies
the netfilter part / IP tables in the kernel space. So don't remove the
iptables RPM from your system.


Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | new address - new key: 0xB366A773
legal statement: http://www.uni-x.org/legal.html
Fedora GNU/Linux Core 2 (Tettnang) on Athlon kernel 2.6.10-1.8_FC2smp 
Serendipity 15:45:22 up 1 day, 13:56, load average: 0.43, 0.42, 0.26 
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