FC4 or RHEL4?

James Mckenzie jjmckenzie51 at earthlink.net
Wed Jan 12 15:35:02 UTC 2005

>Am Mi, den 12.01.2005 schrieb Jack Howarth um 14:53:
>>       Is there going to be a FC4 before RHEL4 is released?
>> Also will FC4 basically be a Fedora copy of a late RHEL4
>> beta? Or is Fedora going to put a time gap in the FC releases
>> so that FC4 will a post-RHEL4 release.
>>                       Jack
>I don't know an exact schedule for RHEL4 nor one for FC4 is out until
>now. But RHEL4 will be FC3 based, not FC4 based.

I will agree with that statement.  FC3 is just basically a wide area beta for RHEL4.  RHEL3 is based on FC2.  Things we find are 'fixed' before the next RHEL release comes out.  So if you want a 'stable' release, go with RHEL.  If you want to investigate and test systems, use FC.  I would NEVER use FC on a 24 x7 production system, but I would use it on a system that I could tolerate instability or better yet, for a system that is identical to my production system, with all installed software packages to make sure that the next RHEL release is not going to cause problems.  This not only assists my efforts for a better LINUX system, but helps the entire community at large.

James McKenzie
A Proud User of Linux!

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