ftp server

Kevin Fries Kevin at hcico.com
Thu Jan 13 19:02:01 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1

Lance.Spence at cox.com wrote:
| You could also try pureftpd from www.pureftpd.org. I use it and it works
| great. It is also very very easy to setup.

I too use pureftpd and it works fantastic.  I installed it from apt-get,
but I am not sure which repository it is in.  apt-cache finds it, so it
must be somewhere in the repos.  It is under the name pure-ftpd.

One feature that I like about this one is the virtual chroot.  A
standard chroot will not allow the ftp to follow symlinks outside the
chroot directory.  The virtual does.  I use this to set up a
personalized FTP directory for each user.  They are chrooted into that
directory, and I use symlinks and mount points to give controlled access
to directories on both the same machine or others on the network.  (i.e.
we have a general work share on our samba server, so I set up an nfs
mount to that share, and set a symlink to the mount in the president's
ftp directory, this gives him, but nobody else access to the working share).

Good Luck

- --
Kevin Fries
Network Administrator
Hydrologic Consultants, Inc of Colorado
(303) 969-8033    FAX: (303) 969-8357
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