FC3 - I'm anything but dissapointed

Michael Scottaline nbhs2 at i-2000.com
Fri Jan 14 10:09:11 UTC 2005

On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 19:40:36 -0700
Roger Sowerby <roger.sowerby at gmail.com> insightfully noted:

RS>Just have to say that I'm quite pleased with FC3 and have had very few
RS>if any real issues with it. It runs faster than did FC2 on my AMD
RS>k7-650 with 640 M RAM. I've installed and used a whole boat load of
RS>applications, some RPMs and some compiled from source with nary a
RS>complaint. My compliments to the Fedora Core team and the whole
RS>community!! I've been with Fedora since it's first release and look
RS>forward to the future. It's been lots of fun! Keep up the great work!
I'm not a coder or developer, just a workstation/desktop user.  I spend
75% of my time using one of three applications: e-mail, browser or
OpenOffice (typically writer or calc).  I've been a lunux user since early
1999; no MS at all since about 2000.  FC3 works virtually flawlessly for
me.  It boots quickly on all my machines (desktop and two laptops) loads
apps quickly, and has been as stable as a rock.  I haven't had a single
crash of difficulty.  But then again, I'm not such a *power user* I guess.

"The man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 
years of his life"
--Muhammad Ali

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