yum update problem and a request for a command.

Sharon Kimble skimble04 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 15 13:50:55 UTC 2005

I have this problem whenever I try to update with yum. It is failing and 
showing this ;-
Error: missing dep: libisccfg.so.1 for pkg bind-utils
Error: missing dep: libbind9.so.0 for pkg bind-utils
Error: missing dep: libdns.so.20 for pkg bind-utils
Error: missing dep: libisc.so.9 for pkg bind-utils

Two questions - A) Obviously, how do I resolve this problem and what do I
have to install to do so please?
B) From memory, there is a command that will identify what packages are
needed to fulfill these requirements. But, what is it please, such that I
can find out what is missing myself?

The 'bind-utils' that is installed is currently 20:9.3.0-1.

Thank you
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