Disk Druid - Fedora flame #1

Schlaegel 777tahder at schlaegel.com
Tue Jan 18 07:19:23 UTC 2005

Les Mikesell wrote:

>I've seen the pre-FC3 version do some really stupid things when you
>give it more than one drive for an auto-partition install - like
>putting /boot on one drive and nothing else, wasting the rest
>of the drive.  FC3 combines them with LVM which seems OK. Also,
>when trying to make all partitions as RAID1 mirrors on 2 drives
>the pre-FC3 DD would always rearrange the layout in ways that
>didn't work unless I used fdisk to create the partitions first.
>FC3 seems to have a special case for this but I haven't tried
>it yet.

I always either do custom partitioning within DD or have auto have a hack
at it and then modify it to my taste when it gives me the opportunity to do
so. Sometimes it is fun to see what it suggests.

Personally, I avoid LVM and use real partitions.

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