yum update dependencies problem: wireless-tools-27-0.pre25.3

Paul Howarth paul at city-fan.org
Tue Jan 18 16:00:09 UTC 2005

Jackson Pauls wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-01-18 at 16:45 +0100, Ivan Agliardi (ZioVanja) wrote:
>>Dear guys,
>>I think there is a dependency problem related to the following packages:
>>wireless-tools.i386 1:28-0.pre4.1.fc3
>>wireless-tools.i386 1:27-0.pre25.2
>>they are both needed by 2 different other packages (NetworkManager-gnome.i386 and kdenetwork.i386), but this is a nonsens because they also conflict each other (they are simply two different versions of the same package):
>>Dependencies Resolved
>>Transaction Listing:
>>  Update: wireless-tools.i386 1:28-0.pre4.1.fc3
>>Performing the following to resolve dependencies:
>>  Update: wireless-tools.i386 1:27-0.pre25.2
>>Is this ok [y/N]: y
> i had the same problem. i ran:
> rpm -e --nodeps wireless-tools
> yum install wireless-tools

Which probably broke NetworkManager and kdenetwork if you had them 
installed, since they were built against the version you removed. There 
will soon be versions of these packages built against the new 
wireless-tools libraries and when they are released, the updates will 
apply cleanly without breaking anything.



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