what are you using to write webpages?

James Mckenzie jjmckenzie51 at earthlink.net
Fri Jan 21 16:11:08 UTC 2005

-----Original Message-----
From: BB Cao <pearlsmm at yahoo.com>
Sent: Jan 21, 2005 9:05 AM
To: fedora-list at redhat.com
Subject: what are you using to write webpages?

Hi Everyone,

I am starting to write a webpage for my own, just
little curious in choosing softwares:
What are you using to write webpages?

-----James' Reply------

BB Cao:

You can go as simple as using EMACS, to a specific program designed for web page development.  The question is:  What do you want your web pages to do?  Is it a simple "Welcome to my Web Page" or is it an on line store that will require database access for customer information?  This will dictate what you might want to use.  I've done Java Server Pages with a text editor and then looked at them with Firefox on the same system.  

I do recommend getting at the minimum a good book on HTML code and go from there.

James McKenzie
A Proud User of Linux!

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