Questions about "make rpm" with Fedora Core 3

Olivier JAVAUX ojavaux at
Sun Jan 23 14:31:42 UTC 2005


I need to create a binary package for a kernel using "make rpm".
I cannot use "rpmbuild -bb" because I need to patch the kernel sources to
   support some WiFi device.

Here is briefly what I did:
   rpm -ivh kernel-xxxxxxxxxxx_FC3.src.rpm
   edit "/usr/src/redhat/SPECS/kernel-2.6.spec" to change rhbsys, disable smp
   rpmbuild -v -bp --target=i686 /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/kernel-2.6.spec
   patch the kernel
   adapt .config file
   modify Makefile to set UTS_MACHINE to i686 (else, only .i386.rpm is created)
     and modify EXTRAVERSION if not OK
   make rpm
   as soon as mkspec has been run, stop it
   and modify kernel.spec to add post install commands
     (mainly /sbin/new-kernel-pkg)
   rerun "make rpm"

A binary package .i686.rpm is created

Here are my questions:

   . the binary package is about 100 MB, compared to the 16 MB of the
     binary package from Fedora.
     Each .ko is around 4 times bigger than the one from Fedora.
     Why ?
     Are there compile options to set ?????

   . /lib/modules/xxxxx/build is not included in the package
     is there something to do to have a /lib/modules/xxxx/build included,
     with a link to /lib/modules/xxxx/sources ????

Thanks for your help.

I find this binary package generation very painful.....

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