fc3 on old 7GB HD with 64MB Ram

Duncan Lithgow duncan at lithgow-schmidt.dk
Fri Jan 28 21:23:47 UTC 2005

Jim Higson wrote:

>>1. So in order to use XFCE4 instead of Gnome or FDE what do i do? Do I
>>specify that in anaconda or later? Also, is that a minimal graphical
>>environmental or just a terminal?
>Yes, XFCE was introduced with FC3, you will have the option to install it in 
>Anaconda when you upgrade to FC3. Then, when you logon you can select XFCE as 
>the session.
>XFCE is a light, fast, graphical desktop. It's actually rather nice, see 
I've had to put this project on hold as I just gave my fc3 cd's away to 
someone and can't get anything to burn in fc3 now (or do i sneak across 
to XP?)


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