And it worked!

Gain Paolo Mureddu gmureddu at
Sat Jan 29 08:47:24 UTC 2005

Kyle Lagonegro (Student-Lagone37) wrote:

>Amazingly enough here I am, on Fedora now...  This is amazing, I love it!!
>Quick question though I've yet to put in disk 3 or 4, what should I do with them?  It asked me to put in other disks to load things during the set up, but it didn't read the disk.  Either way, I'm not too worried about it right now, I'm too busy looking around and fiddling with things.
>Any hot tips, throw them my way, I'd love to hear from you guys.  I'll keep you posted through my adjustment to Linux, again thank you guys so much.  I'm looking forward to understand this OS well enough to be able to help other people with it at a later date.  Thank you.
Woah!! Slow down!! LOL

Congratulations on your migration!! (one question out of curiosity... 
Did you get rid of Windows?). Anyway, welcome to Linux and we hope you 
enjoy your stay!! As for disks 3 and 4, they contain extra packages... 
The four disks include programs that can be installed at a later time 
when you already have your system running, either by the program 
system-config-packages or some even say that you can do that with yum 
and/or apt (I have yet to see how to install software off a CD with 

As for tips... well, for starters you NEED to updated the system, so I 
think a good thing to do right now is to either launch up2date (via that 
red icon that flashes on the systray) or issue in a console yum -y 
update (you will have to use the su command before that, thoguh). 
Another tip would be familiarize yourself with the console, even when 
nowadays you can find pretty much a GUI tool for what used to be done in 
the console, when you do it right in the console, you get results 
usually faster. You could also start configuring extra repositories for 
yum to use, especially, which reminds me... I struggled a 
bit to get this right, just copy/paste this into afile called livna.repo:

[livna-repos] Fedora Compatible Packages

and you can install xmms-mp3 support and other packages that are not 
included by default (like Xine or Mplayer, or libdvdcss to watch dvd's 
in Totem).

Again, welcome to Linux!

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