yum& fftw

cfk cfk at pacbell.net
Sat Jan 29 19:46:34 UTC 2005

 I have two computers, one with FC2 and one with FC3. There is a package 
called "fftw" which is one the FC3 system and I would like to get it 
installed on the FC2 system.

 Typing "yum info fftw" on the FC3 system returns Name: fftw, Version 2.1.5, 
Repo: fedora stable.

 Typing "yum info fftw" on the FC2 system returns "Cannot find a package 
matching fftw".

 Is there any way to move forward on the FC2 system short of changing it into 
an FC3 system?

 A corollary question is: "Given a working FC2 system, would I expect to be 
able to transparently do an FC3 installation on that system and still expect 
things like its ftp & http servers to still work?"


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