GIMP File Dialogues

Gain Paolo Mureddu gmureddu at
Sun Jan 30 10:30:03 UTC 2005

Jonathan Allen wrote:

>G'day All,
>Re: Gimp on FC3
>I have managed to get OO using the 'normal' file dialogues by selecting
>the option to use the OO dialogues, but I can't find the same sort of
>option in GIMP.  How can I use the standard dialogues that I can just
>type a full path-name into, in GIMP ?
Just to add to the dialog frustration... Who came up with this idea of 
these file dialogs in GNOME?? That's *anti* userfriendly!! Sure you 
still can type your paths in... If you press ctrl+l HOW INTUITIVE IS 
THAT?? I still very much prefer the "old" interface of the file dialogs. 
I was more productive doing file tasks FASTER.

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