stupid spamassassin tricks

Craig White craigwhite at
Mon Jan 31 18:59:22 UTC 2005

slugging through an awkward issue with spamassassin on my home server.

I am using fetchmail to get mail from my ISP - who in essence, has
already accepted delivery.

I have an email in my box which fetchmail keeps retrieving and
spamassassin is rejecting it - which is kind of an endless loop.

Specifically, I am running spamassassin & spamass-milter (milter via

I currently have the following options to spamd set...

# cat /etc/sysconfig/spamassassin
SPAMDOPTIONS="-d -c -a -m5 -H -L -x -u smmsp"

hoping that the '-L' option would serve the hasn't

Any suggestions? Right now, it is only 1 email but these things have a
way of snowballing.



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