FC3 and ghostscript

Bill R. Williams brwilliams at chartertn.net
Wed Jan 26 01:22:03 UTC 2005

I went straight from FC1 to FC3 and something ugly has appeared.
(I mention this because it might have appeared in FC2, but I wouldn't

The ghostscript output UGLY!  Big clunky-looking font.
Easy to create example:  (using yum startup -- any [ba]sh script will do.)
$ enscript -p out.ps -G -C --color --pretty-print=sh /etc/init.d/yum
$ gv out.ps	# or whatever GS viewer you use
The above example you can do a perl script (--pretty-print=perl) or

Part of the problem is easy to notice that because there is COLOR in
out.ps the gv display will have some text "backed-up" over preceding
characters.  Not so noticeable for those who don't do a lot of
'enscript' of scripts, is that the font is big and clunky and runs off
the right-hand side of the "page".

I do quite a bit of programming in various scripts and sometimes
C/C++, and I have a need to produce nice program listings.
I have used 'enscript' for years; from RH v7.x through FC1 it produced
exactly what I needed.  With FC3, it is just unusable for my purposes.

Note that NO FONT is specified, so I am used to getting the default
which is mono-spaced resulting in output that has all characters lined
up as they should be.  (No variable-width character adjustment.
Kerning?)  I have tried many variations specifying a font to get back
to what I want.  If I specify something which produces variable-width
characters, the output is "correct" in that there is no "backed-up"
text due to the color specification; however, this type of font is no
good for program listing purposes.

I have determined that the problem is with ghostscript!  (Any utility
I use which displays postscript uses ghostscript.)  I can produce my
standard enscript output on my FC3 system at home, take it to my
office and look at it on my RH 7.3 system with gv and it is as I want
it to be.

This problem is significant to me for several reasons, and affects my
intention to upgrade my system at work to FC3.
Help will REALLY be appreciated!
(Including the proper "official" place to post this.)
 Bill R.  Williams        <brwilliams AT chartertn DOT net>

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