Resizing a partition

Lucas Chan lucas at
Thu Jan 27 23:05:40 UTC 2005


I recently signed up with a super-cheap dedicated server company to run one
of my personal sites.  The box was pre-installed with FC2.

Some of the partitions they set up on it are ridiculously small.  I
contacted them saying:

"I'm quickly running out of space on a couple of partitions and need them to
be resized. I understand this needs to be performed at the console with a
boot disk so I'm submitting a ticket to you guys."

They responded saying:

"We cannot resize the partitions without reformatting/reimaging the drive."

Am I missing something obvious?  I thought resizing partitions was quite an
easy thing to do with parted?  Are there some oddities with resizing
partitions in Fedora that I'm not aware of, or am I just getting the quality
technical support you'd expect from an el-cheapo hosting company?

The RHEL parted docs I found indicate to me that this is a simple process:

Thanks in advance.

Lucas Chan

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