nptd and firewall

Gain Paolo Mureddu gmureddu at
Fri Jan 28 06:05:22 UTC 2005

Joel Stookey wrote:

> I am running a workstation FC1 installation on a dial-up connection 
> and want to connect ntpd to a server for a time correction.  I think I 
> have it worked out except for how to assure that UDP port 123 will 
> open for it and it appears I have to tinker with ipchains or iptables, 
> something I've never had to do.  Nmap reveals that the port is not 
> presently open.  If the procedure isn't fairly simple, can someone 
> point me in the right direction?
> I appreciate any suggestions you can make.
> Thank you.
> fureteur

Just open up Applications->System Configuration->Security Level and add 
the following in the space where you can write:


That will open the ports 123 in TCP and UDP mode... Apply, restart the 
iptables service (system-config-services or Applications->System 
Configuration->Servers->Services) look for the iptables service and 
restart it or issue (as root) /sbin/service iptables restart.

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