yum first-time user question

Mike McCarty mike.mccarty at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jul 1 15:26:32 UTC 2005

tom poe wrote:

>It has been an interesting 24 hours.  Managed to get what appears to be
>a RH8 apt-get dist-upgrade to take.  Now, also have a yum version for
>rh8 installed, and a /etc/yum.conf file to look at.  I want to use yum
>to move rh8 up to rh9.  Can you point me to the documentation to set yum
>up to do that?  Any pointers appreciated.  My goal is to keep upgrading
>until I get to FC4.  Is this doable, without the ability to burn CDs?
I'll bet it has. You have certainly set yourself a challenging goal.
Perhaps I shouldn't use the word "goal". Umm, project.
(I hear that the word "goal" implies that one has a plan to achieve
one's desire, which has a reasonable chance of success.)

Why do you need to do that without the ability to burn CDs? IIRC, the
last time I bought a CD burner, it was about $40 USD. Even if you pay
yourself only $5 USD per hour, you'll burn that in one day.

Of course, download time is pretty gruesome. I got those 4 ISOs using
ADSL, and it took me two full 24 hour days to get all of them.


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