Another WiFi question...

radioact1ve radioact1ve at
Mon Jul 4 18:06:21 UTC 2005

I have no idea whats going on... I was working through the network
config thing. Where your suppose to put the WEP key, just for the hell
of it I put 0x in front of the key and... it worked. I have no idea
why you have to do that or why I didn't in the first place. I don't
ever remember doing that to my previous systems. So I finally got wifi
w/ WEP on my laptop. I don't have to use partition magic after all ;)

And thank you so much everyone for your time. I'm really thank full
for people like you guys that take their time to help others moving
into this FOSS world. Thanks again and see you around!
- radioact1ve
radioact1ve at

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