Minicom has only ansi or vt102

Mike McCarty mike.mccarty at
Mon Jul 11 14:15:59 UTC 2005

Mark Sargent wrote:

> Hi All,
> ok, I'm now at work. I've confirmed that vt102 is ok. I can also 
> confirm, that I can switch from ttyS0 to S1 and back again. Now, why 
> is this not possible on my home PCs, FC3 and CentOS.? This is weird. 
> Cheers.
> Mark Sargent.
Please use shorter lines.

So far, I've offered just a little help, because I'm not expert
at minicom, though I do use it occasionally. I was fairly certain
that minicom was not the problem. It seems to me that you
either have a problem with how minicom is set up, or you have
a problem with ttyS1 (IIRC, it switches back to ttyS0 when
you try to use ttyS1). Have you done a "ls -l" on /dev/ttyS1?

Here's what mine looks like

crw-rw----  1 root uucp 4, 65 Feb 23  2004 /dev/ttyS1

What, physically, is different between your serial ports? have you tried
connecting the cable to your first serial port and using that, temp?

I suggest you try looking at your .minirc.dfl file at work, and at
home, and comparing/contrasting them. Also, try using ttyS1 at
work to see whether it works for you. It's possible that you have
a hardware problem at home, though RS232 ports are pretty
forgiving. Do you have any kind of RS232 breakout box?


This message made from 100% recycled bits.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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