How do you allow core dumps on fedora

Dan Track dan.track at
Tue Jul 12 11:00:58 UTC 2005

On 7/12/05, gb spam <gbofspam at> wrote:
> > How can you permit core dumps files to be created on fedora. I had
> > read previously that they were disabled by default. Can I create
> > maximum limit on any core dump file. How can I only allow core dumps
> > to occur in the /opt directory and not in the root file system?
> as root:
>    echo "kernel.core_pattern = /opt/core" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
>    sysctl -p
> as the user generating core files:
>    ulimit -c 1000     (or whatever)
> you need to run ulimit prior to running any process that would
> generate a core dump, and you need to do it each time you log in, so
> you should consider putting it in your profile.
> once you ulimit -c in a process, you can only reduce it from that
> point, so you'll need to log out and back in if you want to increase
> it.

Ok great,

So If I want a core file of maximum size of 10Mb would I type "ulimit
-c 1000" or is it "ulimit -c 10000". Incidentally what is a block?
What is its value?


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