mounting XFS opticals in FC4

Jack Howarth howarth at
Fri Jul 15 22:23:18 UTC 2005

    What is the recommended approach for mounting 
SCSI opticals under Fedora Core 4. Under Fedora Core 2
I was able to just add...

/dev/sdc1               /mnt/optical            xfs     noauto,rw,user  0 0

to fstab and after creating the /mnt/optical directory, the usermount
graphical tool would show the device. Under Fedora Core 4, I now have...

/dev/sdc1               /media/optical            xfs     noauto,rw,user  0 0

in /etc/fstab and a /media/optical directory. However I only have a 
/dev/sdc device after booting with an empty optical drive. What is
the proper way to insure that all the appropriate /dev/sdc* device names
are created?
ps I am assuming that the optical drive doesn't appear in the usermount
program due to the missing /dev/sdc1 device.

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