Fedora 4 Error in Transaction while setting Up Updates;

Mirco Scaramucci mircobeaker at hotpop.com
Sun Jul 17 11:23:27 UTC 2005

Hello everybody.
I have been trying to update Fedora core either via Red hat network or
yum/yumex using the following repos:

1) freshrpms
2) Livna
3) dag
4) base/devel/updates released/updates testing
4) extras/extras develpment.

I also tried disabling all repos and leaving just one at a time to do
the job.
Some of the repos don't seem to have any available updates.
Livna appears to have a long list of updates for my system but produces
INVALID Key OPTIONS or missing dependencies outputs.
I tried to remove the conflicting packages to enable smooth updates but
didn't work.
Once I stopped getting missing dependencies outputs I started getting
again the invalid key ones.

Is there a way of fixing this?

My apt-get configuration has Planet CCRMA added to it as well; could
that be the reason?


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