[SUG] Gnome About Box should show name of binary

Tony Nelson tonynelson at georgeanelson.com
Sun Jul 24 15:26:54 UTC 2005

I propose that the standard Gnome About Box should show the name of the
running binary, so that in addition to the "pretty name" users would know
the name of the program file and therefore the command to type.

This is consistent with having a "Visible User Interface", where things
that a user needs to know about are visible, and useless things are hidden.
Microsoft Windows keeps the program name a secret, and I think MOSX does as
well, while the old MacOS mostly used the same name for the application and
the file it ran from, and showed that in the menus.  As an old MacOS user,
I find the current secrecy inconvenient and confusing, and it makes it hard
to help people.

Showing the name in the About Box would reduce the confusion I see on the
list (and sometimes have shown myself) about the link between the various
GUI settings tools and their command-line usage or equivalent.

If the suggestion is well received here I will try to make it in the
appropriate Gnomish place.
TonyN.:'                       <mailto:tonynelson at georgeanelson.com>
      '                              <http://www.georgeanelson.com/>

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