webmail in FC3

Joel Jaeggli joelja at darkwing.uoregon.edu
Wed Jul 6 18:05:44 UTC 2005

On Wed, 6 Jul 2005, William Hooper wrote:

> Alexander Dalloz wrote:
>> Am Mi, den 06.07.2005 schrieb Marcos-Fedora Brazil um 15:02:
>>> What is a good webmail (pop3) to use in FC3 with dovecot ?

in our recent surveys of webmail frontends... there are no good pop3 
webmail frontends...

maintaining two different stores for mail (the spool, and the pop3 mail 
storage) is a little wasteful, and less easy to scale than imap or 
something like sqwebmail which manipulates maildir's directly.


>>> Marcos
>> FC3 ships with Squirrelmail.
> Squirrelmail is strictly an IMAP client.  If the OP doesn't mind switching
> on IMAP it would work, but it won't in a pop3 only environment.

Joel Jaeggli  	       Unix Consulting 	       joelja at darkwing.uoregon.edu
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